Applied Forensic Research Sciences
(Registered Under Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act 1973)


Applied Forensic Research Sciences

(Registered Under Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act 1973)

Forensic Psychology

Psychology term indicates that it is an application of Psychological Knowledge in both civil and criminal law. It blends the Psychology with law. Forensic Psychologist has substantial skills in interviewing, writing, strong communication skills, good presentation or sit in the proper posture. Forensic psychology has developed in the past 20 years. The first core of forensic psychology was ploughed in 1879, when Wilhelm Wundt, continual called the father of psychology, organized his initial lab in Germany. Before Wundt, the field of forensic psychology has succeeded, with contributions by lots of other professionals. It is a wide applied area the at gives several opportunities to the practitioner.

Polygraph, Behavioral Electrical Oscillations Signature Profiling, Layered Voice Response, Eye Detect, Suspect Detection System, and other notable and widely utilized forensic psychology techniques are employed in the investigative process. The narcotic test includes the administration of a medication, sodium pentothal, which generates a hypnotic or drugged condition in which the subject's imagination is neutralized and they are anticipated to provide factual facts.