Applied Forensic Research Sciences
(Registered Under Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act 1973)


Applied Forensic Research Sciences

(Registered Under Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act 1973)

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Welcome to the India's First Virtual National Museum of Forensic Science (NMFS)


A protected place where one can see the ancient collection of different materials is known as a museum. Museum can be categorized on the basis of the materials it is containing and, in most cases, it has many sections, for example, ancient sculpture, and many more. With development in forensic science in the past year, there is need for making a collection of data where all the information can be preserved. National Museum of Forensic Science is created while keeping this in mind. It contains information from many cases from different fields of forensic science including forensic chemistry, forensic toxicology, questioned document, forensic ballistics, and many more. This data will help forensic enthusiasts, school students to clear concepts of different sciences and will guide types of evidences found in forensic science.


     National Museum of Forensic Science

Congratulations we have received a Copyright Certificate from the Government of India for India's First Virtual National Museum of Forensic Science (NMFS), Registration Number: L-107411/2021, Date: 10/09/21


1 What is forensic science ?

Forensic science is a critical element of the criminal justice system. Forensic scientists examine and analyze evidence from crime scenes and elsewhere to develop objective findings that can assist in the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators of crime or absolve an innocent person from suspicion.

2 What is forensic science museum ?

Forensic science is a scientific field that encompasses applied science, medical autopsies, legal studies, and many other disciplines this why we need a way to teach or showcase the details of this discipline that's why we build digital museum

3 Why we need this museum ?

People learn various things from museums in school, college, or research, and museums help faculties or researchers share their knowledge in many ways such as lectures, videos, or reading because students or people can visit the museum and feel or see all the theoretical knowledge in a real way.

4 Who owns this digital museum ?

The Applied Forensic Research Sciences Organization holds all the rights of this museum and for more information you can visit the official site of AFRS

5 It's there any hidden charge to surfing this museum?

No, you don't need a penny to surfing this museum

6 How we surf this museum for better understanding?

Click on menu icon.
. Then click on museum.
. Then click any of the forensic filed and enjoy.

7 Are the pictures used here real?

Yes, all the pictures used in this museum are real, they have been provided by different colleges and university to build this museum.


Useful Facts


Year Of Establishment

0 +

Antique Pieces
